HFC Kenya

OUR Work in


In Kenya, girls face the harmful practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), often inflicted on young girls before they are forced into child marriages. Despite being illegal, FGM continues to be prevalent, particularly in rural areas and among nomadic groups. HFC’s partners work tirelessly in these communities, where many girls are subjected to these brutal traditions or forced into commercial sexual exploitation due to extreme poverty. 

9-14 yrs

age group FGM is most commonly performed on


of girls are forced into a child marriage


of adolescent girls have begun childbearing


girls are driven to exchange sex for food, leading to long term exploitation

The Solution

Through partnerships with local organizations, we aim to empower these communities by providing education, support, and a path to a safer, healthier future, free from violence and exploitation. By collaborating with trusted community leaders that understand the unique cultural dynamics at play, we can tailor our programs to effectively address the specific needs of each community. Education initiatives focus  on raising awareness about the dangers of FGM and child marriage, as well as promoting gender equality and the rights of girls.
Together, these solutions work hand in hand to create lasting change and ensure that future generations can live free from the threats of trafficking, FGM, and child marriage.

Collaboration + Community + Shelter + Education

OUR partners and projects


We have partnered with two local organizations serving nomadic communities to build and expand shelters for girls rescued from child marriage, FGM, and trafficking. One of these shelters is located within a school, as girls facing the threat of being cut, trafficked, or forced into marriage often turn to their teachers for help.


We provide counseling and leadership programs for girls in shelters, high-risk children in nomadic communities, and survivors of trafficking.

Additionally, in partnership with Life Bloom, we offer an intensive counseling and training initiative that equips survivors and marginalized women with the tools to heal from trauma and empowers them to become Community Counselors.


We offer educational support to survivors in rescue shelters, including pathways to higher education.

Like in India and Nepal, we believe education is essential for breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty and exploitation. When women and girls are empowered through education, they uplift their families and communities, creating a lasting, positive impact.